Admission to Pre-Primary & Primary classes will be through Observation/Interaction with the child and parents. It is essential that both the parents are present along with the child for interaction with the senior members.


Class Applicable Year of Birth Age Criteria for the A.Y.2025-26
Nursery 31st December 2022 3 years by 31/12/2025 or before.
If child is born on January 1st, 2023, he/she will not be accepted for admission in Class Nursery.
Junior KG 31st December 2021 4 years by 31/12/2025 or before.
If child is born on January 1st, 2022, he/she will not be accepted for admission for Class Jr.KG.
Senior KG 31st December 2020 5 Years by 31/12/2025 or before.
If child is born on January 1st, 2021, he/she will not be accepted for admission for Class Sr.KG.
Class I 31st December 2019 6 Years on 31/12/2025 or before.
If child is born on January 1st, 2020, he/she will not be accepted for admission for Class - I.
Corresponding ages for subsequent classes.